Idea to MVP!
constant struggle and multiple pivots to determine the right PMF (Product Market Fit).
The Article is Not a Guideline or a Reference you need to follow to build your MVP (Minimum Viable Product).
This Article is a Consolidation of our Past 1 year of Learning to Build an Approximate Product market fit MVP(Minimum Viable Product). We have made a lot of mistakes and made a lot of pivots. If you can learn something from our mistakes it might save you some precious time!
Some things which we worked on were-
- Idea Identification
- Unique Proposition for the user
- User Acquisition

P.S.- These are Some Standard Business assessment questions which we followed.
Also if you're having an Application or Website or anything related to tech which you want to showcase. make sure you are always updated with the current trends and tools in the tech space. which would make things simpler for both you and the development team.
Techstack and Tools are as Important as the Idea

The Tech which we have used to superpower our Application are mentioned. make sure you have room for scalability and make sure you have the security of the user at the centre of building an application.
So We started with Deconstructing the Idea-
Questions which we asked ourselves-
- Is this App really needed?
- Why will the user switch the application?
- What's the feature which would keep the user hooked to our app?
So When we were answering the questions it made us think twice on, Is it really required what we were building? We immediately opened up the mood board and started brainstorming on why is this particular application needed.
We then started answering what the unique proposition we are offering to users is and why will a user switch from one application to our app? We conducted extensive research, reached a conclusion, and began putting together a plan to get into the market, which entails finalising our MVP.
Once we got the USP of our APP it was our Goal in order to source methods to acquire users.

P.S.- Sharing this one piece of user Acquisition. this is just one part in order to acquire the user there are many ways to acquire a user.
We were on track and things were going very smoothly for us. until we got feedback. whatever we had built was very good for a short term(Short span of time) there was a clear indication that our Application is very useful for a very short span of time.
We failed,
We came back to our Approach the Biggest thing which we missed was. Getting Actual User feedback and User input for the Product.
We were only thinking from a business POV and not from a customer's POV. We also conducted user interviews, something we didn’t do during the idea construction process.
Consequently, we built our concepts around the problems and needs of the user to arrive at our Unique Proposition for the user.
If you want your idea to succeed, you should have a strategy for user acquisition and a marketing roadmap. Always Keep the user at the centre when you're building.

Lots of Changes in the design we had when we were asking for feedback, user interpretations and A/b testing. The Design Piece would be covered by our Design team in Depth which would be covering on what things you need to take care of while designing something.
We had a lot of hurdles while building the app there were lots of ups and downs to reach till MVP. Many people say building an MVP is the easiest task. what they don't look at is compliance, Data Security and user experience.
So Just make sure that you consistently keep trying and always try to think out of the box. we had lots of learning.
So this concludes our Journey from IDEA to MVP!
You can have a Look at this link-
P.S.- Would like to Thank my Team members, My Family and my Friends for providing constant motiviation to us to build the Application.